C-Section Birth Stories: Julia Taylor

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

We found out at 20 weeks that our son was frank breech. I wasn’t too concerned at that time since I was only halfway through my pregnancy. At my 30 week ultrasound he was still breech, so that’s when my doctor suggested some at-home techniques to try to encourage him to flip. I saw a chiropractor for the Webster Technique, I practiced Spinning Babies exercises and even did handstands in my pool daily hoping my son would flip. At my 38 week ultrasound, he remained breech, so I knew that I’d be scheduled for a c-section. However, what I did not know was that I would be giving birth later that day! After my ultrasound, my doctor performed a routine non-stress test and it showed that I was in labor! I had no idea that I was in labor. I had just run 8 miles earlier that morning and had gone about my entire day without feeling any of these contractions. My husband went to get our hospital bag right away and we got prepped for surgery!

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

I was surprised by how quickly the whole surgery went and how calm I was throughout the entire cesarean. Even though I was not expecting to have my c-section that day, I felt calm and collected. It helped to have my husband by my side the whole time. I was also surprised by how I didn’t feel any pain whatsoever. I’ve had two cardiac operations in the past (one of which I was completely awake for) so I knew what it was like to be conscious during surgery. But the c-section was overall a much less painful experience than my heart procedures. I am grateful to my doctor and the nurses who helped make sure everything ran smoothly and kept me comfortable during my c-section.

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

I am so thankful for all the support I received after my c-section. Life with a newborn is extremely hard, and doing it while recovering from major surgery requires a whole new level of endurance. My husband, my parents, and my grandmother were the most helpful. I couldn’t have survived those first few weeks without them. I was also so thankful to have had great nurses during my hospital stay, as well as a wonderful lactation consultant who helped me with breastfeeding.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

I would encourage new moms to be patient with their recovery. A c-section is major surgery and you need to remember to take care of yourself. I know this is so hard to do when you have a new baby, but it is so important. Don’t be afraid to accept help from friends and family. It also helps if you prepare meals ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about cooking while you’re recovering and caring for your newborn.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

Having a c-section has made me even more proud of my body and what it can do. I feel very confident in my abilities as a mother knowing what I went through in order to safely bring my son into the world.

Name: Julia Taylor, Stay-at-home mom

Country of Residence: United States of America

Instagram Username: @mrs.julia.taylor
