C-Section Birth Stories: Suz Selcuk

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s).:

After suffering from severe hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) for 7 months of my pregnancy, I channeled all my energy into preparing for birth. I didn’t feel scared. I always expected Mother Nature to take control of my birth experience. I had birth “preferences” but wanted to stay relaxed at the idea that not everything would go according to plan. What I didn’t expect was that healthcare professionals would completely ignore my intuition and feelings, push unnecessary procedures on me, make decisions that were life-threatening to my baby and me, and then at the last minute take away all control over my own body. I’ll write about my full birth story soon after my debrief with the hospital but long story short, after my waters broke I was admitted despite having contractions. I was subjected to many procedures which were unsafe and unnecessary, was told I had low pain tolerance (heard that one before), told I was 1 centimeter dilated and would take days to go into labor naturally when two hours later I was 5 centimeters (I had to labor alone because they didn’t believe me). Then I caught sepsis due to the interventions which are well known to cause infection risk after waters have broken (mine had gone almost 48 hours earlier). Selin was born via emergency c-section and to say we got lucky is an understatement!

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

I never knew how common it was to end up in an emergency c-section after induction! I’m still working through a lot of emotions around my birth experience, I feel a lot of shame and as if my body failed somehow?! Also, I have a lot of anger that my body had to go through so much trauma, again. It’s important to acknowledge that most c-sections are unnecessary due to the side effects of medical interventions (something that needs more attention as it happens to too many women!) while also appreciating that they save lives. So many women have c-sections for health reasons or for reasons out of their control but every woman who brings a life into this world is a warrior!

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

Not much! My family was great though.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

I feel like most birth and health trauma happens when medical professionals don’t trust women’s intuition over their own bodies and don’t believe their pain. After my struggle with my health (I have Stage 4 Endo/Adeno which was misdiagnosed for 16 years), I’ve been through this before as have so many other women. Women are more likely to be given anti-depressants when going to the doctor with pain and are more likely to be written off as having mental health issues. This is like a vicious cycle that actually CREATES mental health issues which then lead to more chronic pain! It also makes us feel angry at our bodies and more prone to focusing on negative emotions and feelings. We need to advocate for ourselves and others, share our stories, and report our experiences. C-section births are births and definitely not an easy way out. To go through that experience and then be handed your baby to care for when you’re pumped with drugs and can’t sit up on your own is so hard. Birth is sacred - every woman who had to surrender control of their body to bring their baby into this world is a warrior!

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

I had to let go of control and it's given me a more relaxed approach to motherhood as previously I would try to control every outcome which I now know is impossible!

Name: Suz Selcuk, Creative Consultant

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Instagram Username: @sy.selcuk
