C-Section Birth Stories: Elissa McNally

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

My labor was going very smoothly. It was definitely going way better than my first child’s labor. With my first, my body would not contract on its own even hours after my water broke and I was eventually put on Pitocin. With this one though, it was going so well. I had a bloody show in the morning and after that, I started getting contractions. Throughout the day they slowly got closer together. My husband and I headed to the hospital around 5:30 pm and to my surprise I was already 6 centimeters dilated. I was so happy and pleased with that. The nurse brought us to the labor and delivery room and I decided to get an epidural. I got the epidural and my midwife decided to break my water once the epidural was done and I was all settled. While the midwife was breaking my water, she mentioned that I had a lot of water and that it could come out for days. We were laughing and joking about it and then suddenly my midwife looked up at the nurse and in a panicked voice said, “She has a prolapsed cord, she needs a c-section now!”. Suddenly, I was pushed onto my side and my midwife was on the bed with me and there were what felt like hundreds of nurses around me, pushing me out of the room and down to the operating room (OR). I was terrified. I had no idea what was going on and I started sobbing and hyperventilating, asking for my husband and trying to ask what was going on.

They got me to the OR, lifted me onto the operating table, and started prepping me and asking me if I could “feel this” and “feel that”, which I could not. My Epidural was working perfectly. The entire time I was praying that my baby would be ok and that I would be ok. Then one of the nurses or doctors )(I’m not sure who) said, “He has a good cry!”. I didn’t even hear that cry and I was shocked that they had already gotten him out. My husband was let into the room right as they were pulling him out. They brought my son over to a table to my right to clean him and they let my husband cut his umbilical cord. I started sobbing the moment I saw them bring him over to that table. My baby was ok. From the moment they realized I had a prolapsed umbilical cord until the moment he was born was a total of nine minutes. It was the scariest nine minutes of my life but I would do it a million times over to keep my baby safe.

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

I wasn’t prepared for it. I never in a million years expected that I would have a c-section. My pregnancy was healthy and I was healthy. It was scary and I didn’t realize how scary it would be. Also, I didn’t expect to itch so much afterward!

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

The nurses were all so supportive and helpful. There was one nurse that I had most of my stay that was especially protective of me. She scared me and made me nervous at times because of how intense she was but I really appreciated how well she took care of me. My husband, my parents, and my siblings were amazing at helping me get around and take care of our boys. My church family was also amazing. For two weeks after I got home, I had someone make a meal for my family every night and it was greatly appreciated.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

It’s ok that you had a c-section. It might not have been what you planned or expected but it’s ok. You still brought a baby into this world. Be proud of that scar. Be proud to tell people you had a c-section. It’s a huge abdominal surgery and the healing is not easy. You are strong and you went through a huge ordeal that so many people have not gone through. It’s amazing and crazy what you went through.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

It was the scariest experience of my life. It's something that I will never forget but I am proud of it. I am proud that I went through something so major and made it through. I would do it a million times over to save my baby.

Name: Elissa McNally

Your Profession: Stay-at-home mom

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @elissabeth15 on Instagram
