C-Section Birth Stories: Nataly Leandro

1. Please share the circumstances that led to your c-section birth(s):

There were many circumstances that led to my cesarean birth: at twenty-two weeks I went into labor and that left me no choice but to be on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. After a lot of blood pressure issues and swelling came many urine and blood tests to determine if I had developed preeclampsia; shortly after, the results came back positive. Preeclampsia sounded scary, dangerous, and alarming which in all honesty it was. For us, it meant trying to keep my daughter in as long as possible.

At thirty-six weeks, after two weeks of going into the hospital for blood pressure and urine checks every two days, they decided to keep me and induce me. That was terrifying, my baby had a whole month to go! Well, after fifty-two hours of Cervidil I was only two centimeters dilated. As a mom with anxiety and knowing my doctor was out of town, I honestly wasn't complaining since I was hoping and praying he would make it back in time. My doctor arrived Friday morning straight from the airport to pop my water and suddenly everything finally felt like it was coming together; contractions started yet something was wrong. My daughter's heartbeat kept dropping, after trying multiple positions it was too much for her to handle. That suddenly turned into something I will never forget! A whole team of nurses and doctors rushed in, throwing papers at my husband to sign letting me know my doctor was on the way, and tears rushed down my face as I kept seeing my mother cry, and everyone screaming, "They have to rush her in NOW, there is no heartbeat" and "Sweetie breathe, everything is going to be okay"!

2. What surprised you the most about having a c-section?:

It is not what people describe it to be. Of course, it was painful, it was different than what I hoped for but it didn't mean I didn't know what birth was like. I was surprised that my c-section was so fast, I was surprised how both my doctors were calm and it gave me a sense of relief. I was surprised that I was able to shower, I was surprised that I was strong enough to have surgery yet still carry my baby with 27 stitches! YES, I pictured a c-section meant intolerable pain, not being able to do what first-time moms do, more help, and to some degree that is true but I did it, I dressed, fed, and loved on my baby!

3. What kind of support do you feel you received (from friends, family, healthcare team) after your c-section(s)?:

The amount of support that I personally received was beyond this world. From my family, there is nothing else I could've asked for. They were there, they cried and prayed as much as their hearts could so that both MilaJane and I would make it out alive. They ran and got my car seat and everything extra that didn't make it to the hospital, they showed up to the hospital with open hands for my baby girl, they helped change and teach my husband how to-s, they stood outside my shower in case my husband needed help. My healthcare team was there every step of the way. I think I had the privilege of having one of the best OBs out there. Every question was answered, my nurses were outstanding and caring towards me and my little babe.

4. What’s your #1 piece of advice/encouragement for a new c-section mom?:

A c-section is OKAY - that by far is the best advice I received and I will continuously share that advice. New c-section mom, you did it, you gave birth and whether it was a choice or not, you did what is best for your baby, you have put your baby first and that will for the rest of your life never go unnoticed. It is not the scar that will remind you of that choice, of that day, of that decision; it will be that little babe that you get to see run, play, love, smile and so much more that will remind you that a little human is why you had a c-section. You can do it, you are strong, your body did do what it was supposed to, you are a mother and you are loved.

5. How do you believe having a c-section birth(s) made you stronger?:

A c-section by far made me stronger. I was told I couldn't conceive and then at 21 years old in my last year of college, my husband and I found out we were expecting. I thought I was strong when I met my husband and told him I could not give him children, I thought I was strong when I was working full-time and attending two colleges full-time while pregnant, I thought I was strong when they told me I was going into labor and they had to stop it because the chances were slim for a 22-week baby, and I thought I was strong when I had to be induced at thirty-six weeks. Let me tell you that nothing has made me stronger than a c-section and hearing, "I have to get you ready sweetie, we have to rush you into an emergency c-section". I was terrified yet that surgery made me strong. I cried and prayed and within seconds we all heard my daughter breathe and all that fear turned into strength! Every time I felt like I couldn't I remember I can, because of how I birthed my daughter!

Name: Nataly Leandro

How to Connect With You on Social Media: @MRSLEANDRO on Instagram
